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Brand identity: the passport to start your journey

You get noticed by standing out from the crowd. By not going along with everyone else. This doesn’t just apply to individuals. As a company, you also want to – no, you have to! – differentiate yourself. Your brand identity differentiates you from the competition. As a result,  the right identity finds its way to consumers, with preference for your brand subconsciously ingrained.

Want to know how to define and establish your brand's identity? Then this blog is something you should read.

A unique brand identity

There’s more to this than your logo or products. Your identity pinpoints the values that are important to you. You could call it your brand’s DNA. Compare it to a personality. You use it to make a unique impression on your consumers and other stakeholders. It’s your brand’s essence, or its personality. So, make sure that you know exactly what you stand for and what you want to represent.

It contains various elements that differentiate your brand from those of your competitors. If you have a clear brand identity, you’ll gain trust and improve your brand's awareness.

Sort it out internally before releasing it to the outside world.

A brand identity consists of different parts that you should consider in advance. Make sure that the following are in place before you release it.

  1. Vision: How do you see the future of your brand?
  2. Mission: What’s the goal of your company?
  3. Brand essence: What do you put your heart, mind, and soul into?
  4. Personality: Are there human traits that characterize your company?
  5. Selling proposition: What’s the unique selling proposition (USP) of your product and how can you reinforce it?

Brand identity, a powerful tool

We humans are creatures of habit and will be more likely to go for something that we recognize, instead of blindly choosing the unknown. Are you as a brand recognizable? If you are, you’ll automatically see greater consumer involvement.

There are a few factors that support each other when it comes to building up a brand identity:

  • your company- and product name,
  • your logo and possible sub logos,
  • your slogan or baseline,
  • consistent use of corporate colors,
  • recognizable typography,
  • illustrations and images in the same style,
  • your brand’s behavior and your tone of voice.

If these elements match and complement each other, your brand identity is like a finished jigsaw puzzle, a clear and complete picture.

Developing a unique and strong brand identity is obviously key. It’s the only way for consumers to differentiate your brand from all the other competing brands.

You see, a solid identity is crucial in an increasingly competitive world. With it, you can differentiate yourself from your competition, convince consumers to choose your brand, create a bond with your customers, and use it as a common thread for the future.

brand identity

Need help in developing or upgrading your brand identity? Contact the there team free of any obligation. Our brand experts will happily help you.


The Business Brewery . Interleuvenlaan 62 . 3001 Leuven . missioncontrol@there.be
